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Optomechanical design of a wide-field auroral imager on Fengyun-3D

AuthorGuo, Quanfeng; Chen, Bo; Liu, ShiJie; Song, KeFei; He, LingPing; He, Fei; Zhao, Weiguo; Wang, Zhongsu; Chen, Liheng; Shi, Guangwei;
AbstractWe present the optomechanical design and development of a wide-field auroral imager (WAI) on board the satellite Fengyun-3D. The optomechanical system of the WAI features a combination of a large field of view and a single-axis scanning mechanism. The combination makes the WAI perform better than its counterparts in temporal resolution in a low Earth orbit. In-orbit tests have verified the survival of WAI in the launching vibration and space environment. It has functioned on-orbit since 2018, with a spatial resolution of ∼10km at the nadir point, at a reference height of 110 km above the ionosphere.
Year of Publication2022
JournalApplied Optics
Number of Pages3349-3356
Date Publishedapr