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The Influence of the Atmosphere on the Variability of the Electronic Concentration in the Ionosphere on January 2009

AuthorKlimenko, M.; Ratovsky, K.; Klimenko, V.; Bessarab, F.; Sukhodolov, T.; Rozanov, E.;
Keywordsatmosphere; global electron abundance; Ionosphere; model of the entire atmosphere; neutral composition of the upper atmosphere; sudden stratospheric warming
AbstractThe results of the study of the variability of the electron concentration in the ionosphere in January 2009 are presented. Variations in the electron density in the ionosphere above individual stations and in the global electron content are considered based on the observation data and the results of the model calculations. Comparison of the ionospheric variability obtained from the results of calculations using the models of the upper atmosphere (GSM TIP) and the entire atmosphere (EAGLE) showed that the atmospheric-ionospheric interaction can play one of the key roles in the variability of the ionosphere at midlatitudes. The paper also discusses the issue of simulating the effects of stratospheric warming in 2009 using the EAGLE model.
Year of Publication2021
JournalRussian Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Number of Pages928-932
Date Publishedsep