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Comparison of Thermospheric Density Between GUVI Dayside Limb Data and CHAMP Satellite Observations: Based on Empirical Model

AuthorYu, Tingting; Ren, Zhipeng; Yue, Xinan; Yu, You; Wan, Weixing;

The Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) aboard the Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite senses far ultraviolet airglow emissions in the thermosphere. The retrieved altitude profiles of thermospheric neutral density from GUVI daytime limb scans are significant for ionosphere-thermosphere study. Here, we use the profiles of the main neutral density to derive the total mass density during the period 2002\textendash2007 under geomagnetic quiet conditions (ap\ \<\ =12). We attempt to compare the obtained total mass density with the Challenging Minisatellite Payload (CHAMP) observations, making use of an empirical model (GUVI model hereafter). This GUVI model is aimed to solve the difficulty of the direct comparison of GUVI and CHAMP observations due to their different local times at a given location in a given day. The GUVI model is in good agreement with CHAMP observations with the small standard deviations of their ratios (less than 10\%) except at low solar flux levels. The correlation coefficients are greater than 0.9, and the relative standard errors are less than 20\%. Comparison between the GUVI model and CHAMP observations during solar minimum shows a large bias (~30\%). The large bias at low solar flux levels might be due to the limitation of F10.7 as an extreme ultraviolet radiation flux proxy and the fitting method. Our results demonstrate the validity and accuracy of our model based on GUVI data against the density data from the CHAMP satellite.

Year of Publication2019
JournalJournal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics
Number of Pages2165-2177
Date Published03/2019