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The non--storm time corrugated upper thermosphere: What is beyond MSIS?

AuthorLiu, Huixin; Thayer, Jeff; Zhang, Yongliang; Lee, Woo;

Observations in the recent decade have revealed many thermospheric density corrugations/perturbations under nonstorm conditions (Kp \< 2). They are generally not captured by empirical models like Mass Spectrometer Incoherent Scatter (MSIS) but are operationally important for long-term orbital evolution of Low Earth Orbiting satellites and theoretically for coupling processes in the atmosphere-ionosphere system. We review these density corrugations by classifying them into three types which are driven respectively by the lower atmosphere, ionosphere, and solar wind/magnetosphere. Model capabilities in capturing these features are discussed. A summary table of these corrugations is included to provide a quick guide on their magnitudes, occurring latitude, local time, and season.

Year of Publication2017
JournalSpace Weather
Number of Pages746-760
Date Published06/2017